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                                                                               FICTION SERIES

- K-Triangle de la mort. Descente aux Enfers. By Félix U. Kaputu (University of Ghent, Belgium). ISBN:  978-1-937030-23-0.

- What Have You Done With Your Kids, DAD?. By Ezza Agha Malak (Université Libanaise , Lebanon). ISBN:  978-1-937030-29-2.

- Elsburg, USA. By Jon Bennon (University of Delaware, USA). ISBN:  978-1-937030-31-5.

- Un libro de apoyo y crítica. By Kris Rendon (Colombia). ISBN:  978-1-937030-24-7.

- The Knots of Silence. By Renée Ferrer (Paraguay). ISBN:  978-1-937030-28-5.

- The Street of the Three Beds. By Roser Caminals (Hood College, USA). ISBN:  978-1-937030-09-4.

- The Reef. and Exotic Birds: Five Stories with Rare Women. By Reina Roffé (Argentina).  ISBN: 978-1-931948-92-0.

- Tia, the Topless Dancer. By William R. Neblett (Pomona College, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-42-5.

- Schön kästnerisch verfahren. By Virginia Lewis (Northern State University, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-90-6.

- La vuelta a la vida. By Marián Quintana (George Mason University, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-74-6.

- Constellations Abroad. By Nkashama Pius Ngandu (Louisiana State University, USA). ISBN: 1-931948-15-1.

- Memories of St. Paul's Secondary School. By Caesar Akuetey (Knox College, USA). ISBN: 1-931948-62-3.

- Underground, Unknown, Unseen. By Rachid Boudjedra (Algeria). ISBN:  1-931948-82-8.

- Quatre vies dans le jardin de la Louisiane. By Marie-Laure Rosita De Shazer (Illinois, USA). ISBN: 1-931948-85-2.

- Sign of Jonah. By Jon Benon (Texas, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-35-7.

- Ordeal at the Superdome. Escaping Katrina's Wrath. By Alain Saint-Saëns (New Orleans, USA). ISBN: 978-1889431871.

- Bootheel Diaries. By Victor K. Ray (Saint-Louis, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-16-6.

- The Valedictarian of Summer School. By James A. Wildeman (Covenant College, USA).  ISBN: 978-1-931948-93-7.

- Anosmia.  Nostalgia for a Forbidden Sense. By Ezra Agha Malak (Lebanon). ISBN: 978-1-931948-89-0.

- Because of Honor. By Maurice N. Amutabi (Central Washington University, USA). ISBN: 1-889431-10-9.

- Laura déchiffre les vingt mondes! By Marie-Laure Rosita De Shazer (Illinois, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-88-3.

- Water. The Olson Family Saga in Nineteenth-Century America. By Daniel S. Jones (Cincinnatti, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-52-4.

- Matilda of Argyll. By Sarah Chloe Burns (California, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-64-7.

- Heloïse. A Story of Love, Sex, and Metaphysics in the Wild and Marvelous Sixties. By William R. Neblett (Pomona College, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-49-4.

- Serene. By Gloria B. Tomkins (California, USA). ISBN: 978-1-931948-43-2.

- The Scent of Eucalyptus. An Ethiopian Tale. By John Dillon (Trinity College, Ireland). ISBN: 978-1-931948-59-3.  

- Ruth. The One Who Fled the Bible. By Josefina Leyva (Cuba). ISBN: 978-1-931948-58-6.

The Flour Convoy. By Chaitram Singh (Berry College, USA).  ISBN: 1-931948-47-X.

- The Great Book of Secret Recipes. A Translation and Critical Edition from French by Dr. Christine M. Reno (Vassar College) and Thérèse Moreau.  ISBN: 1-931948-30-5.   

- A Testament in Prague By Teresa Pàmies.  Translation and Critical Edition by Melissa Stewart (Western Kentucky University, USA).  ISBN:  1-931948-39-9. 

- Lessons From Eternity.   By Shawn M. Rose.  ISBN:  1-931948-36-4.

- Once Empires.  By Jean-Charles Wohlkittel.  ISBN:  1-931948-25-9.

- THE STAGNANT POOL.   SCHOLARS BELOW SEA LEVEL.  By Nancy Maveety (Tulane University, USA). ISBN:  1-8894-31-86-9.

- SEPTUAGÉNAIRE.   NOUVELLES ET QUELQUES CHANTS DE FORÊT DENSE. By Joseph E. Mwantuali (Hamilton College, USA). ISBN:  1-8894-31-81-8.

- THE IVORY TOWER.  A NOVEL.   By Scott Gerber (Ohio Northern University, USA). ISBN:  1-8894-31-97-4.                                                  

- NANKOWETCO. THE NATCHEZ ODYSSEY, 1716-1734. By Mary-Louise Christovich and Roulhac Toledano.

ISBN:  1-8894-31-90-7.

- BLUE ROSES FOR A DEAD ...LADY?  By María Antonia Oliver.  Translation and Critical Edition by Kathleen McNerney (West Virginia University, USA).  ISBN:  1-8894-31-30-3.

- Julia.  By Isabel Clara Simó.   Translation and Critical Edition by Patricia Hart (Purdue University, USA). ISBN:  1-8894-31-31-1.



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