by Isabel-Clara Simó

Edited and translated by Patricia Hart

JuliaThe troubled history of nineteenth century Alcoi, a textile center located about halfway between Valencia and Alicante, inland from Spain's eastern seaboard, and the struggles of Júlia Solbes, a young factory worker who marries her boss, collide violently in Isabel-Clara Simó's 1983 novel, Júlia.  From the crash emerges a text that forces the reader to radically reinterpret Valencian, Catalan, and Spanish labor history, particularly as it had been previously told by Francoist historiographers, and at the same time to question sex roles in historical fictions of all description, as well as in external reality.  The novel was first published in Catalan, but has since also appeared in Spanish translation.  The date of publication of Júlia, 1983, is important, because it marks the beginning of the Spanish Socialist government under Felipe González.   Thus, the novel emerged at a moment when significant works in all of the Iberian languages sought to retell history that had been warped through the forty years of Generalísimo Francisco Franco's dictatorship

The Author

Patricia Hart is Professor of Spanish at Purdue University. She received her Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1987.   She is the author of one novel, Little Sins (Tower Books, 1980), and two books of criticism, The Spanish Sleuth [a study of detective fiction in Spain] and Narrative Magic in the Fiction of Isabel Allende (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1987 and 1989, respectively).  She has also translated two novels by Isabel-Clara Simó from Catalan into English.

(1998) 256 p.
ISBN: 1-889431-31-1

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