Adviser for European History

University Press of the South/Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde

Ricardo Saez

RICARDO SAEZ is Professor of Spanish Civilization and Literature at the Université de Rennes (France).  He is Agrégé d'Espagnol, Doctor d'État de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne and a former Scientific Member of the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques in Madrid, Spain, the prestigious Casa de Velázquez. 

Dr. RICARDO SAEZ has co-edited in 2005 with Dr. Sharon Voros one book with University Press of the South:

- Aquel Breve Sueño Dreams on the Early Modern Spanish Stage.   ISBN: 1-889431-51-6.

Dr. RICARDO SAEZ has a forthcoming major book in two volumes, to be published by the Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde in 2006:  Religion et Culture dans l'Espagne Moderne.  L'archevêché de Tolède (1550-1621)


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