Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde



JEAN-JACQUES THOMAS is a Professor of Romance Studies, Literature and Linguistics at Duke University (USA). He has been the Director of the Summer Institute of French and Francophone Studies at the University of  California at Santa Barbara (USA) since 1990. He has also taught at the Université de Paris-VIII (France), the University of Michigan and Columbia University (USA)He was for three years a Visiting Professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada).

Dr. JEAN-JACQUES THOMAS  has published many books on contemporanean poetry and literary criticism on French Literature: Lire Leiris: essai d'étude poétique d'un fonctionnement analinguistique (Paris, 1972); Poétique générative (Paris, 1978); Poética Générativa (Buenos Aires, 1982; new edition, 1989); La langue, la poésie (Lille, 1989); Yves Bonnefoy: A Concordance (New York, 1990) and La langue volée (Berne, 1990). He co-authored with Steven Winspur a book entitled, Poeticized Language (Penn State Press, 2000).

 Dr. JEAN-JACQUES THOMAS  is preparing a forthcoming book in 2005 with the Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde: Écrits sur l'Oulipo.  ISBN:  1-931948-42-9.


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