Alassane Ouattara est certainement la personnalité publique la plus controversée en Côte d'Ivoire. Ce livre rend justice au Président Bâtisseur.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Operation Pedro Pan opened the door to the United States for more than fourteen thousand unaccompanied Cuban children. Relying on the testimonies of some of them, and of some of the adults who helped them, Josefina Leyva tells their stories.
€23,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
This work is the result of years of research and compilation of images related to the iconography of Alexander the Great. The image and influence of Alexander is so deep and extensive that the materials compiled have been divided in two parts.
€29,99 Couv. souple (DCC)


Filled with expressivity, her distinctive poetry does not resemble that of any poet. The title of the book, Juggler, taken from one of her poems, refers to a figurative Juggler who manipulates human behavior and the inner manifestations of human beings.
€24,99 Couv. souple (DCC)
We, Who Walked Beneath The Stars was written by Ray Dio Ryterski over the span of about two years. The idea to compose a collection came to Ray after the title poem lost a poetry contest.
€15,95 Couv. souple (DCC)



Ethan Lewis, dubbed Poet laureate of Hawthorne Place, is a melancholic and proud poet, who dares speak on behalf of his fellow human beings and does it magnificently. He certainly personifies what poetry is and what makes a poet.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Through poetry, Alain Saint-Saëns narrates Pope Saint John Paul II's extraordinary life as a model for Christians, but also as a man opened to dialogue with other faiths, Judaism and Islam. A very inspirational work for all readers in Spanish and English.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Victor Kocay
Schémas du désir
French poet Saint-John Perse published the final version of AMERS in 1957, just three years before he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. For some, this poem is Perse's masterpiece. First, it is a poem on the sea, so vital in the history of men.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Gerald Monsman
John Trevena
Ernest George Henham, 1870-1948, writing both under his own name or with the pseudonym of John Trevena, has until now been a "lost" writer, yet of remarkable achievement; indeed, he is a writer of greater range and power than any other West Country author
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Dirk Clara
Woody Allen’s Parallel Worlds is an in-depth study that analyzes a recurring theme of Allen’s movies, plays and short stories: his characters’ desire to escape, in various forms and to different degrees, the world they come from to find refuge in another.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
This latest work by Lanin A. Gyurko explores the decisive impact of the films of one of the greatest of film directors, Alfred Hitchcock, on the intricate literary art of Latin America's outstanding novelist and short story writer Carlos Fuentes.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Michèle Laliberté
This magnificent study by a Canadian linguist analyzes XXth Century's French, American, and German popular songs translated from one language to the other ones. Michèle Laliberté shows the importance of each translator's social and historical contexts.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
A scholarly study of French writer Nobel Prize Winner J.M.G. Le Clézio's importance of Mauritius Island and above all its myths and mythologies. Essential to understand Le Clézio's creative writing process' origins by the best specialist of his work.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Jorge Eliécer Triviño Rincón
La imaginación creadora
With this extraordinary powerful study, the author defines what creative imagination is, through a sound analysis of sciences, literature, art, and music. It is a well-documented and easily understandable masterpiece that will be cherished by all readers.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Anthony J. GRUBBS
The Playwright's Perspective. Innovative Dramaturgy and its Poetics in Early Modern Spain.
The dramatic text, transformed and reincarnated with each interpretation onstage, was in a constant state of flux in the Spanish Golden Age. Implication of performance and audience reception modified playwright's perception and liberated dramatic theory.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Kris Rendon
Un libro de apoyo y crítica
Este libro –nada tocho– se debe leer seguido. En el espacio: desde el principio hasta el final, pasando por el medio. En el tiempo: de una sentada. Se puede leer entrelazado. Se deja leer aleatorio. Cada lector es invitado a crear su propia red. Genial.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Catharina Vallejo
The feminine, or 'Woman,' was one of the main inspirations in Modernismo's expression, and the still current exclusion of women poets from this movement's canon is contrary to its own foundational concepts of innovation, rupture and personal expression.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Julio Baena
Dividuals explores the other side, or hidden side of modern subjectivity, as seen in early modern Spanish classics. This essay looks into how, as humans, and as humanists, we have a long history of showing dividuality, a never-ending split in our beings.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Paladín de la libertad.
Brillante ensayo crítico, el nuevo libro de Alain Saint-Saëns, dedicado a la poesía de Juan Manuel Marcos, es al mismo tiempo una incursión apasionante dentro de la historia literaria, cultural y política del Paraguay del siglo XX.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Alfredo Martínez-Expósito
Los escribas furiosos: configuraciones homoeróticas en la narrativa española aspira a hacer inteligible un vasto volumen de textos narrativos cuyo común denominador reside en su contacto con la homosexualidad. A fundamental study on homosexual genre.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Gerald Monsman
Colonial Voices
Ever since the nineteenth-century the imperial romance has been understood, on some level, not merely as a self-evident genre of adventure capable of producing an aesthetic experience but as a political construction of ideological identifications.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
La tache bleue
Et si, en un mot, l'anathème longtemps lié à la couleur 'noire', n'était que l'indice d'une essence 'bleue' qui rattacherait l'Africain à ce que la Création recèle de plus sublime? La tache bleue de Ludovic Obiang est un livre magnifique et envoutant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Constant Oyono
Odyssées de Constant Oyono, le grand poète gabonais, correspond, par sa précision et son élégance, aux exigences d’une écriture lyrique, contemplative et spirituelle. Lire Odyssées par Ludovic Obiang complète magnifiquement cette oeuvre poétique africaine
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
Lire Odyssées de Constant Oyono
Dans ce livre très intéressant et bien construit à caractère pédagogique, le Professeur Chercheur du CENAREST au Gabon Ludovic Obiang analyse l'oeuvre poétique magnifique, Odyssées, du grand poète africain Constant Oyono.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


In the tradition of Joyce’s Dubliners and Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio, this topographical cycle of twelve interrelated stories explores the patterns of power that permeate the lives of more than thirty characters in the mythological town of Elsburg, USA.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Paschal Kyiiripuo Kyoore
Dagara Folk Tales
Tales were collected over a number of years in the Nandom area (Ghana) among the Dagara people who live in Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Côte d’Ivoire. They reflect the beliefs and values of the Dagara people, and how they relate to the fauna and flora.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ludovic Obiang
Le dîner des ogres
Des histoires étranges et fascinantes, cruelles et sanglantes parfois, inquiétantes et perturbantes toujours, où il est question de cannibalisme aux sens propre et figuré. Écrites par des conteurs et conteuses de grand talent. Excitant et repoussant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Alain Saint-Saëns
Dans la poussière des siècles
Alain Saint-Saëns' extraordinary, riveting and enlightening novel, first part of a trilogy, explores his French ancestors' legendary past from the end of XVth Century and the time of King Francis I til the end of XVIIth Century under Louis XIV's reign.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ezza Agha Malak
This great novel will captivate readers interested in Middle East fiction. It illustrates how women may navigate their changing role in Lebanon, and documents the way the sense of smell is connected to memory. It is a fascinating story of forbidden love.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ezza Agha Malak
What Have You Done With Your Kids, DAD?
Ezza Agha Malak’s new novel touches upon some particularly painful issues as it describes the progressive breakdown of a couple and the abusive relationship of an overbearing, Muslim man, a repulsive figure as seen thru the eyes of his own young children.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Cupidité, qui dénonce la dictature d'Alfredo Stroessner, est aussi un roman féministe, au sens où il met en scène des femmes, vieilles et jeunes, qui luttent contre le machisme ambiant et se réinventent à la mort du fils, mari, frère et même père secret.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Renée Ferrer
The Knots of Silence
Three very different worlds come together under one roof in the sordid confines of a striptease joint in Paris. Poetic and vulgar voices mingle and diverge through the present and past as each character tries to come to terms with his or her own identity.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Sarah Chloe Burns
Matilda of Argyll is a bold and dramatic adventure, ripped from the pages of Medieval History, seen through the eyes and told from the heart of those who lived through this epic period. Historian Sarah Chloe Burns wrote a magnificent historical novel.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Virginia L. Lewis
Twelve-year-old Andrea Heinrichsen leaves her loving, if somewhat overprotective mother, to take part in a three-week orchestra festival in Leipzig. Surprise follows surprise as events unfold in this great suspenseful family novel. A thrilling masterpiece
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
The unnamed protagonist in this fast-paced, autofictional Bildungsroman experiences a memorial journey through touchstones in his life after suffering a debilitating heart attack. A very funny and hilarious true American novel by a great writer.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Allons Enfants de la Patrie
Allons Enfants de la Patrie is a historical novel about the Acosta Gnou Battle on August 16, 1869, when 5,000 toy soldiers were slaughtered by 20,000 Brazilian soldiers during the War of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina against Paraguay)
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
The Sinkhole
Olivier Pascalin s’affirme à chaque nouvelle œuvre littéraire comme un maître consommé de l’analyse introspective.  Médecin des corps et des âmes, il sait mieux que quiconque dépeindre des caractères parfois étranges, voire exotiques, toujours attachants.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Reina Roffé
Exotic Birds: Rare Women
Exotic Birds are fascinating stories about rare women derailed by reality. Like a spiral woven around two axes—a trip and a truncated novel—The Reef captures the insecurities of a time of terror, that of the Argentine military dictatorship of 1976-1983.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Frances Raval
The Story of Dora
In this incandescent novel Frances Raval gives superbly vivid, powerful and at times wickedly funny portrayals of the foundations of Freudian psychoanalysis as it emerged in the 1890s and thus by implication of the inner life of the whole epoch.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Joachim Frank
Aan Zee.
Aan Zee is about the tragic-comic search of a man for his identity between two cultures. It is a modern Bildungsroman, in the sense that the heroe searches for a purpose and is transformed in the process.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ezza Agha Malak
The Man of All Silences
A magnificent novel about the love story between two mature people who share a lot but cannot live together any longer.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
Un chat peut en cacher un autre et n'est pas chat qui veut. Ce roman singulier et vrai nous entraîne dans les sous-sols remplis de mystères de l'Opéra de Paris, sur la butte Montmartre avec ses peintres amateurs, en pleine partie d'un jeu de l'Oie géant.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
William R. Neblett
Tia, The Topless Dancer
Curiously, in the case of the present novel, the consummation of a concrete personto-person contact is not sheer fiction, since the heroine of this story actually exists. She is a professional topless dancer, you could actually witness her dance.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Roser Caminals
The Street of the Three Beds
When Roser Caminals was ten years old her family moved to the old city, with its potpourri of blind lottery peddlers, sailors from all over the world walking up from the harbor, fishmongers, tourists, that finds its way into her fiction.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Deux veuves et un ouragan
Ce roman, dans le cadre de la Louisiane où l'auteur a longtemps vécu, narre la très belle histoire d'amour pour le même homme de deux femmes, l'une Américaine, l'autre Paraguayenne, qui se déchirent et s'aident lors du passage d'un ouragan à New Orleans.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Aisha est un roman écrit par Alain Saint-Saëns pendant un séjour d'un an en Tunisie. Il narre la rencontre amoureuse et tragique d'une jeune femme médecin et d'un diplomate français plus âgé, choc de cultures et de religions. Magnifique histoire d'amour.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Jean-Jacques Thomas
Oulipo n'est pas une avant-garde. Depuis plus de soixante ans, ce groupe, fondé en 1961 par l'écrivain français Raymond Queneau et le mathématicien français François le Lionnais, est toujours actif, caractérisé par sa nature multigénérationnelle.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
Formules 15
Image in relation to text, forms, trajectories, and frictions: that is the question here. Que fait la contrainte aux images et aux textes avec lesquels elle se trouve le cas échéant associée, si l'on prend aussi en compte les supports matériels des œuvres
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Camille Bloomfield
Formules 16
À cinquante ans, l’Oulipo manifeste une capacité inattendue à fédérer plusieurs générations d’écrivains. En effet, une des caractéristiques principales de ce groupe constitué est de substituer une génération à une autre dans une épiphanie du (re)nouveau.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Philippe Bootz
Formules 18
La literature s’est emparée du numérique, non seulement comme un outil, mais aussi comme d’une formidable résonnance aux questions qui sont siennes, pour entrer elle-même en résonnance avec son époque et donner les formes littéraires numériques.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
Formules 17
Formules 17 a souhaité inviter chercheurs et créateurs à arpenter et fouiller les « mondes contraints » – c’est-à-dire les univers de fiction engendrés par les créations à contraintes – et à s’interroger sur ce qui fait leur spécificité.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Chris Andrews
Formules 20
La notion de forme continue à susciter des débats théoriques dans les études littéraires et dans l’esthétique. Qu’est-ce qu’une forme, au juste? Le consensus sur une définition n’est pas près de s’imposer, car les théoriciens peinent souvent à s'entendre.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Christelle Reggiani
This volume by international scholars is a collective reflection on book's new forms, supports, and spaces. Are we really to see the 'end of the book,' as announced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida? Many interesting answers are to be found within.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Lucile Haute
Formules 22
Les outils et technologies numériques, bien intégrés et invisibles, donnent lieu à des pratiques artistiques d'appropriation, de détournement, d'expérimentation et de création qui peuvent être abordées d'un point de vue poétique aussi bien que critique.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Cécile De Bary
Formules 21
L’Oulipo investit les savoirs de manière remarquable, et cet investissement contribue pour une grande part à la spécificité du groupe. Le but qu’il s’est fixé est l’élaboration d’outils destinés aux auteurs littéraires.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Jacques Chirac
La Nouvelle-Orléans et son port en 1954
Ce livre, La Nouvelle-Orléans et son Port en 1954, est le fruit des recherches sur le terrain d’un jeune étudiant de l’École des Sciences Politiques de Paris, Jacques Chirac, qui deviendra quarante ans plus tard Président de la République Française.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Samira Etouil
Pierre Loti au Maroc
Samira Etouil, dans ce livre magnifique, explore le discours de l’altérité dans les carnets de voyage du Français Pierre Loti (1850-1923) intitulés Au Maroc. Cette approche interdisciplinaire a comme objectif d’identifier les stratégies discursives.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)




Ekaterina Nemtchinova
Listen Up!
Послушайте! is intended for intermediate-level students who want to improve their listening and speaking communication skills. Focusing on language in the context of everyday communicative acts. Multiple opportunities to practice listening and speaking.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Victor Dmitriev
Philosophical and Poetic Thought of Russian Symbolism.
The philosophical-poetical thought of Russian Symbolism is Russian art's process of reflection about itself - thought, dissolved into the myriad forms of art itself. A magnificent study by one of the best specialists of Russian Symbolism and Philosophy.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Aleilton Fonseca
Un río en los ojos / Um rio nos olhos
Inscribiéndose en la tradición de la Canción ribeirinha del portugués Paio Soares de Taveirós (1148), Aleilton Fonseca hace del río un ‘espacio de encuentro, real o literariamente fingido, entre la persona poética y el objeto de deseo y de alabanza'.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
A Bahia de todas as gaivotas
Este livro é um precioso inventário lírico de uma viagem de paixão e descoberta. O poeta Alain Saint-Saëns visitou a cidade de Salvador da Bahia, primeira capital do Brasil, e se encantou com suas cores, histórias, poetas, personagens, mitos e mistérios.
€14,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Robert E. Bayliss
Peculiar Lives in Early Modern Spain
The essays collected in this volume, Peculiar Lives in Early Modern Spain, reflect both the substance and impact of Amy Williamsen's professional legacy. Essays are linked by their thematic resonance with Amy’s own eclectic scholarship.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
J. Yuri Porras
Living the Comedia
Amy Williamsen (1959-2019) was a beloved teacher, scholar, colleague and mentor to those fortunate enough to have known and worked with her. The essays collected in this volume reflect both the substance and impact of her professional legacy.
€29,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Ordeal at the Superdome. Escaping Katrina's Wrath, is an extraordinary play written by famous playwright Alain Saint-Saëns. Many readers will identify themselves with Barbara Carter’s family and her ordeal through Katrina and its immediate aftermath.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Romeo y Julieta
Playwright Alain Saint-Saëns adapts William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet's story to the Paraguayan political context of March 1999, when students fighting and demonstrating to save the young democracy against a putsch attempt, were killed by the police.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Soledad, obra de Alain Saint-Saëns, es la adaptación teatral de la novela de Juan Manuel Marcos, El invierno de Gunter. Cuenta la vida de tres jóvenes, Alberto, Verónica y Soledad, bajo la Dictadura del General Stroessner en Paraguay en los años ochenta.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
September 11, 2001: a plane struck the 91st floor of the North Tower. The Jump by Alain Saint-Saëns is a two-act play drama that brings the audience to events that could have happened to a handful of people trapped on the 81st Floor of the North Tower.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Edward Friedman
Starting Times
“Try again. Fail again. Fail better,” Samuel Beckett once said. Starting Times is an admirable play that reminds us of Spanish Golden Age theater’s quid pro quo situations. It is Edward Friedman's first original play.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Universally acclaimed for his powerful play in English about Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, Ordeal at the Superdome, French playwright Alain Saint-Saëns now delivers another about the Holocaust, and puts the drama within the wagon on the way to Auschwitz.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ilinca Ilian
Alain Saint-Saëns dramaturgo.
Los trabajos reunidos en este libro representan un homenaje internacional por 17 universitarios y escritores al escritor de origen francés radicado desde 2008 en Paraguay, país cuyo destino histórico ha marcado poderosamente su universo mental y literario
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
José Agustín
Vicious Circle
Peering into the labyrinth of Mexico’s justice system in the 1970s, Vicious Circle could have been written yesterday. Mexican playwright José Agustín skillfully integrates enduring themes relevant in contemporary Mexico—drugs, crime, and corruption.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Abdelfettah Elkchirid
Rerooting the Uprooted
Re-Rooting the Uprooted. Raising a Muslim in Canada is an inside look at the Moroccan Muslim community in Quebec. The book answers the question of how Muslim values are transmitted from one generation to another in multicultural Canada.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Scott Montgomery
Casting Our Own Shadows
During the summer of the year 2000, Medieval Art Historian Scott Montgomery and Early Modern Historian Alice Bauer undertook the task of retracing the medieval pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. This book documents their sixty-seven day journey.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
Francisco Pérez Maricevich
De manera magistral, Francisco Pérez Maricevich aclara el papel del poeta como observador calificado, lazo entre espacios tiempos diferentes. Eso quizá sea la tarea más importante del aedo paraguayo: jugar el papel de historiador de la memoria.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ian W. Brown
China Memories.
These memories derive from a journey that the author took in China in February and March of 1999 as a member of the Zhong Xian Archaeological Project. His trip largely focused on the province of Sichuan, but several days were spent in and around Beijing.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Malina Stefanovska
Le destin d’une enfant exilée, coupée de ses racines, est analysé par une femme mûre qui se sent devenir étrangère à soi-même.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Olivier Pascalin
Bailar conociendo tu cuerpo
Olivier Pascalin, con este libro, pretende divulgar no solamente los conocimientos técnicos propios del movimiento, sino ayudarnos a rescatar la conciencia y recapacitar nuestros conocimientos y aprendizajes que no siempre son transferidos correctamente.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Víctor Durán
The Caste War of Yucatán which began in 1850 provides a realistic setting for this historical biography, written in the form of a novel, which describes the actual economic, social and cultural effects of this war on the North of the country of Belize.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)


Renée Ferrer
This book of poetry by great Paraguayan poet Renée Ferrer sings the daily life and emotions of Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camps, through poems and psaums. It was translated from Spanish into French by famous French poet Alain Saint-Saëns
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns
¡Basta ya! Paraguayo soy.
In this beautiful book, poet Alain Saint-Saëns explains poetically why he decided to become a Paraguayan citizen. With poems and photos of his books' covers, he shows all stages from rebuttal at first to final acceptation at last by all Paraguayans.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Ion Gaina
A Romanian-English bilingual edition of Romanian poet Ion Găină. The Word (the ABC of the Young Creator) is rooted in the author's childhood. A magnificent book teaching the alphabet with poems and drawings. Translated by Olga Amarie and Rosemary Lloyd.
€24,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Alain Saint-Saëns paints a dolorous picture of abused children, one which rings with truth and poetically saves them from obscurity. The poet's critique of the adults is savvy and relentless. These poems are a real mirror of a suffering Paraguayan society
€14,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Jean-Charles Jeffrey Wohkittel
Songs to Number Six
Songs to Number Six arises as a book of poems imbued with an undoubtable stylistic sense of unity and coherence that is bound to persist and survive in infinite time and space as well as a six-dimensional universe of completion and perfection.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Teresa of Avila
The Complete Poetry
'Eric W. Vogt is one of the very finest Golden Age scholars in the United States and a major translator. I salute his astonishing translation of Teresa of Avila's poetry'. Alain Saint-Saëns (Professor of Spanish History, Universidad del Norte, Paraguay).
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Michael Bradburn-Ruster
The Shadow of Gabriel's Wing
The poems in this collection arise from the vivid awareness that we are immersed in mystery. Dwelling in the shadow of Gabriel’s wing, we are to embrace the plenitude of miracle and melancholy that weave our lives. Bradburn-Ruster is a magnificent poet.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)
Clara Janés
Ophelia's Voice
'Was it an intuition that made me select -- I think at the beginning of my adolescence – a form of approach to life linked to English literature through Shakespeare? And can one talk in this case of literature? I think not.' Clara Janés, Spanish poet.
€19,95 Couv. souple (DCC)