Amy Williamsen (1959-2019) was a beloved teacher,
scholar, colleague and mentor to those fortunate enough to have known
and worked with her during her magnificent career at Occidental College
(1985-1989), the University of Arizona (1989-2011), and the University
of North Carolina Greensboro (2011-2019). Her impressive publication
record includes the monograph
Chaos: Exploring Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda
(Juan de la Cuesta, 1994), five co-edited volumes (The University Press
of the South published one of them,
Engendering the Early Modern Stage) and dozens of
articles. Her exemplary record of teaching and service is more difficult
to quantify, but her leadership and mentorship left an indelible mark on
every institution and organization for which she worked, and on every
student and scholar she taught and led.
During her career, Amy’s advocacy for underrepresented voices and her
commitment to the causes of equality, diversity and inclusion
constituted a unifying thread that linked her diverse intellectual,
professional and social interests. From examining the social and
cultural margins of Early Modern Spain in her scholarship to working
with organizations to promote social justice in her community, Amy
worked tirelessly to lift up the voices of all, and to show that by
doing so we can better understand and appreciate our shared humanity.
The essays collected in these volumes reflect both the substance and
impact of her professional legacy. Essays are linked by their thematic
resonance with Amy’s
own eclectic scholarship: Living the Comedia
reflects her passion for Spanish Golden Age literature as a series
of complex, lived cultural experiences, while Peculiar Lives in Early
Modern Spain celebrates her fascination with how studying social
margins can enhance our understanding of society as a whole. By
presenting the scholarship of prominent established and emerging voices
in the field of Early Modern Spanish studies, both volumes demonstrate
the deep appreciation of a community of scholars that continue to draw
inspiration from her.

is Associate Professor of Spanish at Millsaps College in Jackson,
Misissippi. She received her Ph.D. in 2011 from the University of
Arizona. Her research focuses around the mother figure in Early Modern
Spain, cognitive literature, sartorial relevance, and marginalized
voices. Her last article, “Wearing Gender on One’s Sleeve:
Cross-Dressing in Ángela de Azevedo’s El muerto disimulado,” was
published in Cognitive Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature
by Oxford University Press. She is a founding member of the trilingual
graduate journal Divergencias: Revista de Estudios Lingüísticos y
Literarios and served as the General Coordinator for one year. She
is currently working on a monograph about the presence of the mother
figure in the Comedia and an article on the necessity of charity
in El Guzmán de Alfarache.

is Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Kansas. He
received his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame (1994), his M.A. in
Comparative Literature from The University of Georgia (1997), and his
Ph.D. in both Hispanic Literature and Comparative Literature from
Indiana University (2003). He has published articles in several journals
including Hispanic Review, Comparative Drama, Hispania,
Bulletin of the Comediantes and Comparative Literature Studies.
His first book, The Discourse of Courtly Love in Seventeenth-Century
Spanish Theater, was published in 2008 by Bucknell University Press.
His forthcoming book examines the ways in which the "classics" of
Spain's Golden Age are adapted, appropriated and consumed in
contemporary Spain. His current research focuses on contemporary uses of
Golden Age Spanish narratives and cultural artifacts in postcolonial
Latin America.
is Assistant Professor at Rice University. She received her Ph.D. in
2005 from the University of California at Davis.
Author of Eros en escena: Erotismo en el teatro del
Siglo de Oro (Juan de la Cuesta, 2009), editor of Don Gil de las
calzas verdes (Cervantes&Co., 2013), co-editor of El perro del
hortelano (Cervantes&Co., 2011), in addition to co-ordinating and
editing the multi-author collaboration Diálogos en las tablas:
Últimas tendencias de la puesta en escena del teatro clásico español
Reichenberger, 2014).
Her journal articles have principally attended to
eroticism and the Spanish Comedia; visual and material culture;
and performance analysis of classical theater’s most contemporary
adaptations. Her current work includes the co-edition of The Image Of
Elizabeth I In Early Modern Spain (University of Nebraska Press,
2019) and the coordination of a Festschrift in honor of Adrienne
L. Martín, Sex and Gender in Cervantes (Ediciones Reichenberger,

is Professor of Spanish at Texas State University. He received his Ph.D.
from The Ohio State University and holds a B.A. in Music/Voice
Performance from Sonoma State University – California State System. His
field of specialization is Early Modern Iberian Literatures and Cultures
and his publications center on music-text interrelations, semiotics,
performance, as well as social and political history in drama from the
Renaissance (La Celestina, Juan del Encina, Lucas Fernández, Gil
Vicente) to nineteenth-century Zarzuela. His publications focus on the
function of music and musical references in, among others, Lope de Vega,
Cervantes, Tirso de Molina, Agustín Moreto, as well as on the 18th
century Tonadilla escénica (Antonio Rosales, Pablo Esteve, Fernando
Ferandiere, Manuel García) and Zarzuela (El barberillo de Lavapiés
and La Tempranica).